Use these tips on how to grow broccoli from seed to get a jump start on your garden.
Broccoli is a cool weather plant that does well in the early part of the spring. One of the best things about broccoli and similar plants such as cauliflower is that they are cold-hardy so they can be planted outside while there is still a chance of frost and snow and get an early harvest of vegetables. You can get an even earlier jump start on this by growing broccoli from seed indoors. Start this in most zones by February and you will have an early spring harvest. Here are some tips on how to grow broccoli from seed and start your own seedlings.
How to Grow Broccoli from Seed Indoors
Broccoli seedlings started indoors are an easy way to get going while the snow may still be falling outside. Since broccoli is a cool weather plant and does best in these temperatures, having seedlings ready to plant as soon as you can outdoors is ideal.
Start with a seedling tray. The best is the kind that comes with a see-through lid and a draining tray. You will want to dig about a quarter-inch deep for each seedling you plan on starting. Place one or two seeds in each section, but no more. Water the seeds until wet but not soggy.
Do not place your broccoli seedlings in a warm place to germinate. Since broccoli enjoys cooler weather, it is best to try to germinate them in a cooler area of your home. This can be in a room that is not used very much or another place weather isn’t constant heat. Don’t worry about needing to place broccoli seeds in the sun to germinate. Cover with the lid that came with your seedling tray or some plastic wrap.
After about a week, you will see seedlings start to sprout. Once this happens, you can remove the plastic or lid and place the broccoli seedlings starts in a sunny window.
When you are ready to move your broccoli outside, use these instructions for transplanting broccoli seedlings.
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